How we think

dylan-gillis-KdeqA3aTnBY-unsplash Accelerate your business transformation

Moving to the cloud and having up-to-date business applications makes things easier for companies and their IT departments.

Breaking down silos Breaking down silos and creating efficiency with new training for M3 super-users

In this blog, we engage in conversation with Michael Drud Pedersen, the CFO of Natur-Drogeriet, exploring how specialised training for process owners and super-users on their Infor M3 platform has been crucial in breaking down silos, encouraging collaboration and aligning the company’s operations with its digital ambitions and compliance requirements.

how to food business hero image How to develop your food business and your digital platform together

Right now, companies in the food and beverage industry have a lot on their plate. A key question how to meet all demands and at the same time reach all your business goals? Unifying your technology platform, business strategy and operations is necessary to stay ahead of your competitors.

Medtech supply chain blog hero image MedTech made smarter: validating processes, enabling complete traceability, and optimizing equipment management

Discover how digital solutions are transforming MedTech, enhancing compliance, traceability, and equipment management while navigating regulatory challenges.

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