
9-spoergsmaal-om-Kundeoplevelse-Customer-Experience-CX-test 5 steps to a great customer experience

Customer experiences can be positive or negative depending on the journey they’ve had with you. So, how can you deliver great experiences, every time?

Op-i-skyen 5 tips for smoother invoice processing with Dynamics 365 and Medius

In this blog post we provide hands-on advice to optimize automated invoice processing for companies using Dynamics 365 and Medius AP Automation.

shutterstock_1931256074 (1) 5 ways to maximize AP automation in M3 and Medius

In this blog post we’ve gathered hands-on tips on how to optimize configurations in your M3 ERP to reach maximum AP automation levels in Medius.

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A deep dive into the benefits of Microsoft Fabric

Microsoft Fabric is an end-to-end analytics and data platform designed for enterprises who require a unified solution.

accelerators-a-shortcut-2 jpeg Accelerators – a shortcut for insights connecting Dynamics and Fabric

Microsoft Fabric, a unified data platform, coupled with Columbus' expertise in ERP and CRM systems.

AI fighting AI AI fighting AI: The future of cybersecurity - are you ready?

With the insane speed of change in the digital landscape, the battle for cybersecurity has reached a critical breaking point.

Climbing the generative AI-1 Climbing the generative AI maturity ladder. Where are you?

With the introduction of generative AI, the opportunities to drive business innovation has multiplied. Businesses often face challenges in adopting these new technologies.

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