In this blog, we engage in conversation with Michael Drud Pedersen, the CFO of Natur-Drogeriet, exploring how specialised training for process owners and super-users on their Infor M3 platform has been crucial in breaking down silos, encouraging collaboration and aligning the company’s operations with its digital ambitions and compliance requirements.
Learning makes the difference
When starting a new job and mastering a company’s systems, we often ‘learn by doing’, building our skills day by day. However, some technologies are so essential and pervasive for a business that it makes sense to gain understanding of their full potential in a methodical and intensive programme. An example of this is the new training for Infor M3 soon-to-be super-users and process owners developed by Columbus - M3 360° Enablement.
Natur-Drogeriet, Denmark's oldest producer of natural remedies and foods, has been using M3 as its core ERP system for over a decade. However, as part of the company’s ongoing digitisation journey, Natur-Drogeriet realised it needed to develop a deeper understanding of how the system functions across its entire organisation. As a result, it partnered with Columbus to deliver training, which would help the company optimise its use of the M3 system, driving efficiency and performance.
The course takes participants through all modules of M3, providing a comprehensive understanding of the system. Targeted at individuals who are already familiar with M3 and adept at navigating the system, the course's goal is to offer participants a profound understanding of how the system integrates across modules. The participants gain insight into how their work impacts others within the organisation, thereby improving collaboration across departments.
Realistic structure
Michael Drud Pedersen, CFO at Natur-Drogeriet, says: "M3 is our core system and my fundamental tool for understanding and working with our processes. I am involved in our ongoing isation, and it's important for me to know where the information I work with as CFO comes from and the impact it generates in our system when I perform certain actions.
“Because I'm in finance, where all the company's processes converge, it was essential for me to gain insight into how M3 functions throughout all levels of the organisation."
M3 360° Enablement Training focuses on providing an understanding of end-to-end processes in M3, including purchasing, planning, production, sales, and finance, rather than just operating the system. It differs from other M3 training offerings by requiring physical attendance over the five days of the course.
"The course corresponds to how we work in our companies, and I liked that. We started by establishing products and customers in the system. We purchased raw materials, stocked them, initiated production, and followed the process all the way to sales and delivery to the customer we had created on the first day. Things were interconnected, and it was very realistic," says Michael.
The coherence in tasks also meant that there was learning from correcting mistakes as they were discovered.
"If on day four, we were stopped by a mistake we made on day two, we couldn't proceed until we went back in the process and corrected what we had done wrong. I learned a lot from that. The time needed to get the process back on track was spent, and, I think, everyone benefited from that," Michael adds.

We were all in the same boat
In-person attendance made a significant difference, Michael believes.
"In theory, it could have been done online, but it wouldn't work in practice, I think. Because when you suddenly face a problem and need help quickly, having an instructor standing behind you, looking over your shoulder, means a lot.
“You get quick assistance and can see how the problem is resolved. The instructor was very skilled. It was clear that she knew the system thoroughly and had practical experience with it. That means a lot to someone like me. She knew where the system could pose problems in the daily tasks we deal with and she could share real-world anecdotes that were easy to relate to.
"In my current role, I deal with supplier set-ups and the course gave me good ways to work so that I don't have to try things out on my own. The course has given me a structured overview and greater confidence that I am using M3 in the most efficient way.
“I can clearly feel in my daily work that I have attended the course. Now, when I'm about to analyse our prices, I have a better understanding of how all our processes are interconnected."
The course is designed for 12 participants who work together in pairs, helping each other progress.
"We were paired so that we had the same area of interest in using M3. One was a bit more experienced and the other was ‘greener’. It was a good combination. We exchanged experiences with our partner but also shared useful knowledge across the team because we were all in the same boat," Michael says.
Two M3 courses complement each other
Columbus also offers the M3 Education Booster Kit, designed for brand-new M3 users who need to learn how to navigate the system. As M3 360° Enablement Training is the next step, the two products complement each other.
M3 360° Enablement Training can also be useful for training key resources before an implementation or upgrade project, providing different project teams with a better understanding of each other.
The path involves thorough user training in M3's extensive functionality, video recordings, exercises, and questionnaires.
Digitisation and compliance
"In my early days at Natur-Drogeriet, I have greatly benefited from working with our IT manager, who is active in M3 User Group Denmark and has an extensive knowledge of the system,” says Michael.
“Because I am in a central role that interacts with the entire company, she wants me involved in the development of our digital processes. I should not limit myself to the parts of M3 that I initially deal with as CFO but use all parts of the system where it makes sense. Therefore, it has been very valuable for me personally, and for Natur-Drogeriet as a company with digital ambitions, that I have participated in M3 360° Enablement Training."
In addition to general digitisation, there are increased demands for compliance, where full utilisation and understanding of the company's ERP system have become crucial.
"Digitisation is not just about gaining benefits by streamlining processes that are currently manual. There are also legal requirements and external regulations pushing digitisation forward. For example, the new Danish accounting law on digital accounting and documentation storage brings additional requirements," says Michael.
To summarise, comprehensive ERP system understanding has become increasingly crucial and M3 360° Enablement Training assists companies to shift away from silo-based thinking.
Achieving greater efficiency becomes significantly easier when employees develop insights into other processes and can more effectively utilise their shared ERP system.