
Breaking down silos Breaking down silos and creating efficiency with new training for M3 super-users

In this blog, we engage in conversation with Michael Drud Pedersen, the CFO of Natur-Drogeriet, exploring how specialised training for process owners and super-users on their Infor M3 platform has been crucial in breaking down silos, encouraging collaboration and aligning the company’s operations with its digital ambitions and compliance requirements.

Climbing the generative AI-1 Climbing the generative AI maturity ladder. Where are you?

With the introduction of generative AI, the opportunities to drive business innovation has multiplied. Businesses often face challenges in adopting these new technologies.

Cloud security-1 Cloud security: tackling identity & access management with automation

Cloud security threats are becoming increasingly complex, with new challenges emerging daily.

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Constant Dynamics 365 updates require a reliable testing strategy

Confidence is good, but testing is better...This old adage is no less apt with Microsoft’s ‘Evergreen’ initiative, which now releases updates eight times a year for Dynamics 365.

shutterstock_1991127155 Digital transformation of supply chain in manufacturing: lessons learned

This blog looks at how manufacturers are making their supply chains more cost-efficient, resilient and sustainable in an increasingly unpredictable world.

brainstorming-businesswoman-collaborate-1229359 External Collaboration in B2B

Learn why Hamamatsu Corp selected Columbus US for upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management and growing in new markets.

Fashion’s reality Practical solutions to changing regulations, compliance and move to circular models - Hero Image Fashion’s reality: Practical solutions to changing regulations, compliance and move to circular models

In the fashion industry, the adoption of sustainable, ethical, and circular ways of working and selling has significantly increased over the past decade.

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