
AI fighting AI AI fighting AI: The future of cybersecurity - are you ready?

With the insane speed of change in the digital landscape, the battle for cybersecurity has reached a critical breaking point.

Breaking down silos Breaking down silos and creating efficiency with new training for M3 super-users

In this blog, we engage in conversation with Michael Drud Pedersen, the CFO of Natur-Drogeriet, exploring how specialised training for process owners and super-users on their Infor M3 platform has been crucial in breaking down silos, encouraging collaboration and aligning the company’s operations with its digital ambitions and compliance requirements.

Cybersecurity_manufacturing Building a secure future: Cybersecurity in manufacturing

Building a secure future: Cybersecurity in manufacturing

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Business automation in manufacturing: practical use cases and ways of execution

Automation of processes and administrative tasks in manufacturing is a key driver for improving efficiency, reducing costs, and staying competitive.

Business automation in retail - Hero Business automation in retail: practical use cases and ways of execution

Thanks to cloud technologies, business automation is becoming increasingly accessible for the retail industry. It connects applications and siloed systems, driving efficiencies, enabling excellent customer service, boosting sales, and reducing costs. However, there is still much to navigate. We recently spoke with our business automation expert, Jesper Lillelund, who has a strong background in the retail industry, to gain his insights on how retailers use business automation today. 

Climbing the generative AI-1 Climbing the generative AI maturity ladder. Where are you?

With the introduction of generative AI, the opportunities to drive business innovation has multiplied. Businesses often face challenges in adopting these new technologies.

Cloud security-1 Cloud security: tackling identity & access management with automation

Cloud security threats are becoming increasingly complex, with new challenges emerging daily.

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