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9-spoergsmaal-om-Kundeoplevelse-Customer-Experience-CX-test 5 steps to a great customer experience

Customer experiences can be positive or negative depending on the journey they’ve had with you. So, how can you deliver great experiences, every time?

Op-i-skyen 5 tips for smoother invoice processing with Dynamics 365 and Medius

In this blog post we provide hands-on advice to optimize automated invoice processing for companies using Dynamics 365 and Medius AP Automation.

shutterstock_1931256074 (1) 5 ways to maximize AP automation in M3 and Medius

In this blog post we’ve gathered hands-on tips on how to optimize configurations in your M3 ERP to reach maximum AP automation levels in Medius.

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A deep dive into the benefits of Microsoft Fabric

Microsoft Fabric is an end-to-end analytics and data platform designed for enterprises who require a unified solution.

dylan-gillis-KdeqA3aTnBY-unsplash Accelerate your business transformation

Moving to the cloud and having up-to-date business applications makes things easier for companies and their IT departments.

accelerators-a-shortcut-2 jpeg Accelerators – a shortcut for insights connecting Dynamics and Fabric

Microsoft Fabric, a unified data platform, coupled with Columbus' expertise in ERP and CRM systems.

AI fighting AI AI fighting AI: The future of cybersecurity - are you ready?

With the insane speed of change in the digital landscape, the battle for cybersecurity has reached a critical breaking point.

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